by bg_web | Dec 3, 2018 | Small Business
The most sweeping tax reform we’ve seen in decades, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Bill (TCJB) impacts nearly everyone, from individuals to business owners. It is intended to provide benefits for many business owners and you will start to feel its full impact when you file...
by bg_web | Oct 28, 2018 | Small Business
The 10th Man’s Jared Dillian recently offered some perspective on two statements regarding personal finance that can also be applied to the health of your small business: You should save until it hurts. Money is meant to be enjoyed. He takes these opposing, yet...
by bg_web | Aug 9, 2018 | Small Business
As an entrepreneur or small business owner, time management skills are critical to success. Therefore, learning to delegate and lean on others that have strengths outside your primary skillset is a necessity. Don’t spin your wheels and burn out trying to...
by bg_web | Jul 2, 2018 | Finance
The Quickbooks Resource Center houses some very informational articles. One article entitled, “5 Fatal Financial Mistakes Made by Small Business Owners” really caught my attention recently, as these mistakes are so easy to make. While perhaps making all 5...
by bg_web | May 1, 2018 | Finance
While no one on my mailing list would dare miss an important tax deadline, what would happen if you did? The penalty on not filling is actually much worse than if you file and don’t pay your share, so first things first, get that return in pronto! Depending on...